Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Kids . . . and More

I love my kids so darn much.

I mean, they (of course) can be difficult at times, and they definitely make life more challenging, but they also make it so worthwhile. They make me smile clear to my toes just thinking of each of them. I've sort of made up nicknames for each of them. For instance . . .

Hallee I lovingly termed "Hallelujah" (so clever, don't ya think?). It's because she makes my heart sing that very word. I'm so grateful for her! She's delightful and smart and clever and good to the bones. This is a picture of her playing volleyball, which by the way, I'm so proud of her for. She's a 12-year-old playing on a 14-U Power team, and although the year has held its share of challenges, she's done great.

Getting ready to pass the ball--see that intensity? I love it!

Jump serving. Wow--she's got hops!:)

The pose she always strikes in between plays

Isn't she just a doll? She's so grown-up for a sixth grader. Since she's so tall (now taller than I am), we share pretty much everything: shoes, clothes, accessories, but mostly a closeness that I am so grateful for.

Then there's Nate. I call him "Nate the Great" (not very original, I know). Why? Because he truly is great. He's one of those kids who can do anything well (ya know, the kind you want to smack?). He's especially good at sports and loves playing any type. Right now he's in baseball season. Here are a few pics.

But, Nate is also the tender-hearted type. He is so cute with our baby (see below) and he really cares about people. He has the best sense of humor of any kid I've ever known. He's one of those kids who can laugh at himself, and it's so refreshing. This morning he accidentally dumped a bowl of pineapple all over the kitchen floor. He did a pretty slip-slap clean-up job and then left a paper on the tile that said, "Wet Floor." Not exactly the kind of clean-up job a mother appreciates, but I have to admit it made me smile. Man, I love this kid!

Then there's Regyn, who I have lovingly renamed my "Ray of Sunshine" (we used to call her Ray, Ray, so Ray of Sunshine is so fitting). I call her this because she is such a bright little spot in my life. She is happy and helpful and just plain adorable in her own little way. Regyn definitely has a style and personality all her own, and I seriously don't know what our family would do without her. The other day she was working on homework and asked for help. She needed to know what number plus nine equaled nine (okay, don't think too hard); in other words 9+_=9. She simple could not figure it out. She was way over thinking it. Finally, she said, "My teacher just doesn't like me. She's always giving me hard homework like this!" Lol! That's Regyn!

Who can resist that beautiful smile?

Regyn with the American Girl doll she just had to have (but seldom plays with)

Boston is next. My nickname for him isn't very clever. It's "Bostonian." I call him this because it sounds cool:) And because he's a smart little boy (Smithsonian/Bostonian--not sure if it makes sense to anyone besides me). He's very serious. My favorite thing is when he wrinkles his eyes and forehead as he thinks about something. He is my little buddy. I seriously will miss him like crazy next year when he goes to kindergarten. He's so easy to have around, and boy does he love babies (as you can see below).

Is this kid handsome or what (Actually, that's my other nickname for him--Handsome)

He kisses our baby at least 100 times a day
Last, but not least, is Berkley, whom I lovingly call "Berklilicious." The reason is simple--she's absolutely delicious! She is the kind of baby that makes you want to have a dozen. I sometimes think she's too good to be true. She is delightful and beautiful and content. She has brought so much love and joy into our home, I've thought we would burst at times! What a blessing! We could never have imagined when we turned in adoption papers that we would get something (someone) so amazing in return, but I'm here to tell you, she's worth every penny and more. She's worth living in the basement for. She's worth starting over for. She is oh, so wonderful!

Seriously--Is that adorable or what?

This is what happens when she sneaks away for a minute without me watching--got into the Easter candy (malted eggs)

This is what happens when I'm blogging and not paying attention for a minute--got into the preschool cubbies.
So, these kids are definitely not perfect. But they are mine. And I love them with every piece of me. They are the reason I get up in the morning (and the reason I go to bed exhausted by 9:00 p.m. every night). They are the reason I try to be better, the reason I have hope, the reason life is good.

One of my favorite times of the day--first thing in the morning--when we all snuggle in my bed for scripture reading (good thing I have a king-sized bed!)

And then, of course, there is my husband--the father to all these kids. He's pretty much amazing. He's patient and good and everything I really hope to be some day. How my life is blessed!


Taffy and Tony said...

So, I haven't read your blog for a couple weeks, and was happy to find 3 posts to read! I like the slight turn with your blog content. I loved seeing some pics of your kids and knowing a little about them. They are all amazing! (But of course, you already knew that!) And I agree with Hallee, you could pass as 31!

Hi, I'm Aleisha! said...

Hey Pretty Lady! It was wonderful meeting you yesterday! You were such a hoot! I've loved reading through your blog. It's darling and your children are SO beautiful. You must be a very proud mama! Thank you for being so warm and kind to me, and so easy to approach and talk to. You. Are. Beautiful. Here's my info:

I'm on Facebook, look up Aleisha McDaniel.
My email is
I also write a blog titled, "She Calls Me Mama Leisha." It's

Diony said...

Lori! So glad you are back blogging again, you inspire me! Have a wonderful time at the convention in Washington D.C. Here's a hug!

Julia said...

I love those kids! And yes, I agree...Dan is amazing. He's related to me of course!