Thursday, October 22, 2015


Over the years I have become less and less in love with the autumn season. Not because I don't love what goes on around here every fall (namely football and volleyball season and the kids starting up school fresh again), but simply because of one thing: fall means winter is close behind. I actually love and appreciate the change of seasons Utah affords, but I absolutely hate to be cold. I also hate snowy road conditions. These two aspects of winter have led me to dread its arrival and pray for its early departure.

As a result of my disdain for winter to arrive, I usually find myself moaning and groaning when fall arrives and the evenings cool down. I simply can't seem to enjoy it when I know snow and freezing temperatures are right around the corner.

That is, until this year.

I decided instead of loathing an absolutely beautiful time of year I was going to breathe it in. Literally. So I started leaving my house for a brisk morning walk every day before my children left for school. And I made sure I took deep breaths, lots of them, just to really appreciate all that surrounded me. The results have been magnificent! Not only does it feel great to begin the day with a little exercise, but more importantly, it is wonderful to breathe the fresh crisp fall air and take in the beauty that surrounds me right here in Kaysville, Utah. 

Here is what it looked like yesterday morning as I rounded the corner near the elementary school.

So, maybe you aren't so in love with mountains and skies as I am, but seriously, aren't those clouds on top of the mountains beautiful? I absolutely love the mountains around here. They make me feel happy and safe and fulfilled every time I look at them. They are like therapy.

And this isn't actually the best picture of the amazing trees around here, but I love this row of them anyway. Very soon they will all be red and orange and flaming gold, and it will be stunning.

 This is the view I found when I rounded the corner just yesterday. Can you see the blanket of puffy cotton clouds resting on top of the mountains? It's so cool!

Here is another look just a ways down the street. The sun is just getting ready to make its debut and that blanket of fluffiness is sleeping on the tops of the mountains like a dream. Seriously! So stunning!

I haven't even shared all the amazing sunsets around here. God's masterpiece is truly splendid, and I am incredibly grateful for it! To be able to walk out my door and see such refreshing beauty all around me is a blessing I don't ever want to take for granted.