Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What I Find Most Fulfilling in Family Life as a Young Mother

When I was a young girl and dreamed about becoming a mother one day, I knew it would not be an easy job. I watched my own mother struggle through sleepless nights, potty training, piles of laundry, and lots more, so I assumed it wasn’t always a picnic; what I didn’t know or even begin to understand was how fulfilling it would be, despite all the challenges.

For me, the best part about motherhood is seeing the personal growth of each of my children. Nothing is more rewarding than watching a child master something he/she once thought difficult or impossible, or helping him/her reach a personal goal, or seeing him/her gain the skills necessary to overcome challenges. I love watching my children problem-solve. I love seeing the excitement in their eyes when they learn something new or grow another inch or lose another tooth. Mostly, I find it extremely fulfilling to be a part of helping these amazing spirits become who they were always meant to be, to help them find the best that’s within themselves, to see them reach their potential. The amazing part is I find myself growing right along with them. Motherhood has stretched and challenged me in ways that have required me to become someone better, to reach within myself and be more than I previously was. How fulfilling that growth is!

I’ve also learned to enjoy the little things: one-on-one time with each child, arms around my neck, smiles, wet kisses, eating dinner together, spontaneous laughter, snuggle time, and so much more. Life can get so hectic and demanding it’s easy to miss the best parts. I never want to look back and wish I would have soaked it up better or appreciated it more, so I try to notice and enjoy all the little moments with my children that add up to happiness. In the end, I find there are tons of such moments. Even on the most difficult days, I can find moments to treasure. These small, seemingly insignificant moments are what truly make motherhood fulfilling.

Ice skating together--cold but memorable


Aubrey Anne said...

Thank you so much for helping me with my article!